Irish Passports

Do you need to renew your Irish passport?  If you are an Irish passport holder, and reside in the UK you can.

Irish Passport Renewal

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Second Irish Passport

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Irish Passport Card

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Child's Irish Passport

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Child's Irish Passport Renewal

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To Renew Your Adult Irish Passport You Will Need:  

  1. Completed passport application.  You must complete, sign and send to VisaCentral the passport application form.
  2. Current Irish passport.  Your original first passport. 
  3. Four passport photographs.  Passport applications must include four identical colour photographs.  The photographs must be signed by the witness who should also enter the passport form number.
  4. Letter of authorisation. You must provide two letters of authorisation.  The letter must be signed, dated and authorise VisaCentral to submit and collect the application on behalf of the applicant.
  5. Proof of name change. If applying for the first time in your married name then the original civil marriage certificate is required.


To Obtain a Second Irish Passport You Will Need: 

  1. Completed passport application.  You must complete, sign and send to VisaCentral the passport application form.
  2. Current Irish passport.  You must have a valid Irish passport or proof of Irish Citizenship.  The passport must be in good condition. 
  3. Four passport photographs.  Passport applications must include four identical colour photographs.  The photographs must be signed by the witness who should also enter the passport form number.
  4. Business introduction letter. An original letter of introduction from the applicant's employer detailing the need for a second passport. 
  5. Proof of travel arrangements. Details of travel arrangements.
  6. Letter of authorisation. You must provide two letters of authorisation.  The letter must be signed, dated and authorise VisaCentral to submit and collect the application on behalf of the applicant.

To Obtain a Child's Irish Passport You Will Need:  

  1. Completed passport application.  You must complete, sign and send to VisaCentral the passport application form.
  1. Birth Certificate. The Child's original full Birth Certificate.  The long for of civil Birth Certificate is always required whether this is a first time application or renewal.
  2. Current Irish passport.  The Child's current passport, if applicable.
  3. Two passport photographs.  Passport applications must include two identical colour photographs.  The photographs must be signed by the witness who should also enter the passport form number.
  4. Letter of authorisation. You must provide two letters of authorisation.  The letter must be signed, dated and authorise VisaCentral to submit and collect the application on behalf of the applicant.

To obtain an Irish Passport Card

Apply for the Irish Passport Card Service, an ID card which can be used to travel within Europe in substitute of your Irish passport. A valid passport must be held to qualify. Your Irish Passport Card will be valid for five years or for the remainder of your existing Irish passport validity.

Your Irish Passport card will be delivered to you within 25 working days. VisaCentral will track your card status within this time.

Benefits of VisaCentral Irish Passport Card

  1. Can be used in place of a passport when visiting all thirty countries of the European Union/European Economic Area and Switzerland
  2. The card can be used to travel when you are waiting for the return of your passport from an Embassy or Consulate

Application Criteria

  1. 18 years of age or older
  2. 30 days validity on existing Irish passport

Service Fee including Irish Passport Card:

The Irish Passport Card is £31+VAT including overseas delivery charges, with an additional VisaCentral service fee of £40+VAT.

How to apply:

Securely upload the Irish Passport card questionnaire, a digital photo and a scan of your Irish passport ID page to

Alternatively send by post with your visa documents 

Visa Quick Check

UK Passport Holders: See if your destination requires a visa.

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A traveller discovered that his passport was outdated the morning of his trip.

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